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The Indirect Communication of “Mad Men”

I am a big fan of AMC’s “Mad Men.” The 1960s is a time period ripe for social critique, and there is certainly no shortage of material with which to craft compelling narratives. One theme the show depicts on a continual basis–and one I was again reminded of in the episode that aired yesterday–is how some of the strong female characters often accomplish their desired goals by fulfilling someone else’s concept of their role in society, rather than acting intuitively from the characteristics that make them the unique individuals that they are. From a communication standpoint, we would identify this as indirect versus direct communication. Indirect communication is regularly illustrated in the show as women in the 1960s male-dominated business setting had to suggest ideas in ways that made men think they (or other men) were responsible for thinking of them. Women had ideas, but they had to present them indirectly — in a way that they would be heard and not dismissed.

While musing over this theme in the show, it occurred to me that this illustration of indirect communication could provide an interesting analogy for how rhetorical persona functions in religious settings. It is certainly not a new idea to explore the use of indirect communication by theologians and pastors. (Humor is one form of indirect communication often used — in the work of C.S. Lewis for example). However, how have members of various religious communities had to indirectly communicate their ideas or create rhetorical personas through which a message would be well-received? I need to spend some time cultivating this idea, but I sense that something may be there.

The Long-Awaited Sequel…

A couple of years ago I got a hold of a book that dramatically shifted my paradigm on how Christians live out their faith when it comes to education and worship. That book, which I have recommend to many since then, is Desiring the Kingdom. Since I finished it I have been impatiently waiting for the sequel — Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works (working title). It won’t be long now. Apparently Smith has just sent the manuscript to his publisher. Let’s hope the editing process goes swiftly — I can’t wait to read it!

Check out Smith’s blog for more information:

#GOOD READ! After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters

I have been enjoying this book for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I find it timely and challenging in my personal life as I think through the substance of my own character. Secondly, I think Wright again does a great job of illuminating a simple truth by way of pointing out the complexities and nuances that have generally been overlooked on the subject of Christian morality.

His mission is two-fold: (1) to address the question of, “What do we do once we believe; what are we supposed to be about once we find faith, as Christians?” (2) to offer an alternative to two competing (and misguided) approaches to Christian morality — living by rules vs. living authentically. His alternative is to focus on Christian character and virtue, which are formed over time through habits that become second-nature.

Through poignant examples, Wright demonstrates that character goes through us to our core and uncontrollably “spills out” in moments of crisis or moments when we can only respond from moral “muscle memory.”

This book will help you think through your own character, which is confirming and convicting. But just as important, it offers a needed correction for problematic ways that Christians have approached behavior and morality.