For awhile now, I have had the inspiration to create a series of workshops that actually help people with the practical aspects of living as a “domestic church.” We all have the desire to be thriving domestic churches: schools of spiritual formation for our families and signs of life to a world hungry for the tangible Gospel message. But we have a lot of barriers and distractions in our lives that stand in the way of such a goal; some of these we voluntarily place there, and others force themselves upon us in this busy and hyper-mediated world.
Well, I’m excited to announce the first workshop in a series that I’ve branded “The Organized Domestic Church.” This is a local workshop — so if you know anyone in the Washington/Baltimore area who would be interested, please spread the word. I hope to see some of my local blog readers there and connect with you in person! Here are the details:
“Rightly Ordering the Urgent & the Important”
Sacred Heart Church (Bowie, MD) in Whitemarsh Hall
(at the top of the hill by the historic chapel)
Saturday, April 22, 2017 — 9am until noon
(Refreshments, coffee, and tea will be provided.)